Buccal Fat Pad Removal

buccal fat pad removal

Chipmunk cheeks may be cute if you are three years old, but not many adults appreciate being compared to a fat faced rodent. Through a modern procedure called buccal fat pad removal, you will be able to say goodbye to having oversized jowls and hello to having sculpted, sleek cheeks that bring your entire face into balance.

What exactly is buccal fat, where is it located, and how is it removed?

Buccal fat (pronounced as buckle), is stored under your cheekbones and can be removed in a quick and relatively painless procedure. The procedure may be performed as a stand alone procedure or combined with other facial cosmetic surgery, such as rhinoplasty (nose correction), facelift procedures or liposuction of the neck. Your surgeon will use surgical instruments to remove the fat from the pockets under your cheekbones, usually through an oral procedure.

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Am I a good candidate for this procedure?

Candidates should be healthy and have realistic expectations of what they will look like after their procedure. Discuss with your physician any pre-existing medical conditions that may interfere with your surgery. As your body ages, your cheeks may naturally lose some fat. Candidates should wait until after the age of twenty to determine if they are out of the “child” stage before having this procedure. Also, to a certain extent, heredity may affect how your cheeks will look as you age, and this should be discussed with your physician to avoid an overly gaunt look later in life if you choose to have buccal fat removal.

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The procedure – what can i expect?

Buccal fat removal is done through an incision inside the mouth, leaving no outer scars such as those that may be left by liposuction methods. Your surgeon will make an incision inside your mouth, in the cheek where it joins your cheekbone. Then the fat is extracted with surgical instruments and the incision is closed with sutures. Depending on what types of stitches are used, these may dissolve within a week or so or may need to be manually removed at your follow up visit with your physician. The treatment usually takes about an hour and is performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient surgery. You may need overnight observation if there are any significant factors in your medical history, determined by your surgeon.

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What is recovery like?

Most patients are able to return home the same day, and their activities are usually only limited for the first few days. Any facial swelling may take a few weeks to subside entirely. It is recommended that you delay strenuous activities and are prepared to eat soft foods from an approved diet. Your physician will probably monitor your activities and diet before surgery to caution you on things that may cause problems during your recovery. You may experience mild discomfort, especially when eating or speaking, and may need medications to control the pain. After having an oral procedure, you will need to cleanse the inside of your mouth regularly to avoid the risk of infection at the site of the incision.

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What are normal risks and complications with this procedure?

As with any medical procedure, there are risks and complications – fortunately, these are rare and are easily treated by your surgeon should they occur. Your physician will discuss potential concerns before your surgery, and the odds of encountering problems. The most common concerns for patients are excessive swelling, infection, bruising and the chance that the facial structure may acquire a gaunt look over time. The risk of temporary or permanent loss of sensation and asymmetry, or an uneven appearance, are also potential risks. Severe allergic reactions to the anesthesia or complications with any pre-existing medical issues are also possible.

Before the procedure, you will have an individual, customized consultation to determine risks, if any and to let you know what you can do to minimize any possible complications. It is important that you follow your surgeon’s instructions to the letter.

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Will I be able to see immediate results?

Due to the nature of this procedure, swelling will probably be prominent enough that it may be hard to determine what the final result will look like. But within a few days, as the swelling subsides, you should be able to see that your cheeks are more sculpted, especially in the mid-jaw line and towards the bottom. Having the fat removed will smooth out your overall facial appearance, change the look of your smile for the better and give your face more symmetry. Most patients are pleased with the way that their entire face seems slimmer as a result of this procedure and many have a higher sense of self-esteem.

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Further information

This web site has been prepared to give a basic understanding of the procedure before a consultation takes place, and to cover many of the questions frequently asked about this type of cosmetic surgery. Final decisions should not be made until an individual assessment has taken place with the surgeon.

There is no obligation on the part of the patient to undergo surgery by attending for consultation.

If you have any further questions or would like to arrange a consultation please fill in the online form or call us on 07590 666 302. All enquiries are always treated confidentially.

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