Chin Reduction (Mentoplasty)

chin reduction

Have you ever heard the phrase “taking it on the chin” or “keep your chin up”? Well, for individuals who have a “jutting” jaw or those suffering from a distinctive chin, those clichés are definitely aggravating. Facial appearance can often be the most distressing aspect of their looks for people of any age. If your face has any distinctive marks, or the symmetry is a bit off, it can be the harbinger of stares from everyone you meet.

If your chin is disproportionately large, you can improve it through a chin reduction.

What is a chin reduction and will it affect the way my face is proportioned?

A chin reduction is a surgical procedure in which the chin is reduced through bone removal or sculpting. When the chin is too large, or has an asymmetrical shape, you may consider reducing it. Your surgeon will use specialized instruments to finely sculpt your chin to achieve a natural and more symmetric look. Many people who have nose corrections also have a chin reduction at the same time so that their face has a more balanced look; this is because often the chin can be overpowering, or can be small enough to make the nose look disproportionately larger.

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If I have a very prominent chin, am I a good candidate for a chin reduction?

Physicians look for health issues in patients who want to have a chin reduction. Bone disorders or other diseases are often a concern and may heighten the risks; therefore, a completed medical history is taken and patients are screened for possible risks with chin reduction surgery. Your physician will discuss what pre-existing conditions are a cause for concern and the need to monitor your health before surgery. Also, any medications that you are currently taking may need to be temporarily stopped before surgery.

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How will the surgeon reduce the size of my chin?

The procedure of chin reduction is quite simple and can usually be done quickly under sedation or general anesthesia. Most patients will have the treatment and go home the same day, with some overnight monitoring in other cases, depending on the extent of the surgery. With the chin reduction procedure, your surgeon will make a small incision inside the lower lip, where it joins the base of the teeth; an incision can also be made in the crease under the chin. Using a bone saw or a bone drill, your surgeon may remove the end of the chin bone and then smooth it out. In some cases where the chin is not too prominent, it may not be necessary to remove the tip. In this event, the chin may simply be sculpted to get a more natural, even appearance. Sutures are then used to close the incision, and tape is placed to cover the site. Chin reduction procedures usually take from one to four hours depending on how much sculpting needs to be accomplished.

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What is the recovery process like after having chin reduction surgery?

Most patients are able to resume normal activities within a week or two, barring any complications. Sometimes, patients will have mild discomfort from bruising and swelling of the chin and mouth, and may need medications to relieve the discomfort. Stitches are normally removed within seven days, when you return to your physician for a follow up visit. Strenuous activity may need to be held off for a couple of weeks, but most patients are able to return to work within a few days or a week. Your physician will discuss your routine and determine your after-surgery schedule.

If you are prescribed any medications, it is imperative that you take them according to your surgeon’s instructions.

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Should I be worried about severe risks or complications with chin surgery?

As with any medical procedure there are always concerns about complications that may arise. Some patients may be at higher risk of encountering complications. On occasion, a patient may have severe allergic reactions to the anesthesia. Your physician will also discuss the risks of blood clots or infections that may result from your surgery. The more frequent concerns that patients have are how much scarring there will be, and how much pain they will have to deal with. Some patients may also suffer more bleeding, bruising and swelling than others – this varies with each individual, and medications may relieve some of the symptoms during recovery. The loss of sensation or some numbness may also be encountered, but this is usually temporary.

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When will I see the results of my new chin?

After having your chin reduction, you may not be able to see much of a difference at first. The swelling may have your chin looking as large as or possibly larger than it was before the procedure. This is normal and will fade with time - you will be able to see the expected results shortly after the surgery. Chin surgeries are one of the most common of all the cosmetic facial procedures. Many people want to boost their self-esteem and having a pleasant, symmetrical aspect to their facial features often heightens their self-confidence.

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Further information

This web site has been prepared to give a basic understanding of the procedure before a consultation takes place, and to cover many of the questions frequently asked about this type of cosmetic surgery. Final decisions should not be made until an individual assessment has taken place with the surgeon.

There is no obligation on the part of the patient to undergo surgery by attending for consultation.

If you have any further questions or would like to arrange a consultation please fill in the online form or call us on 07590 666 302. All enquiries are always treated confidentially.

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