Patient testimonials

Thank you so much for sending over my before and after pictures! I completely forgot what my nose was like before the operation.

I am absolutely thrilled with my new nose, can't thank Mr Gonschior enough! Such a lovely man and has done everything I asked for. So much more confident in myself and the way I look. I would fully recommend Mr Gonschior.

L.A. Middlesex

“Mr Stefan Gonschior is an amazing Otoplasty Surgeon. I have to recommend my surgeon Mr Gonschior at Surgery One! I hated my ears my whole life, they stuck out making me feel self conscious and I only ever wore my hair down to cover them.

Mr Gonschior has changed everything he pinned them back and reduced the size of my ear lobes with no scars in sight! I have so much more confidence now - having this surgery was the best decision I have made."

H.M. London

“Mr. Gonschior who did my Rhinoplasty was incredibly thorough and professional in my consultation and instantly made me feel that I was making the right decision to change my nose. I saw many different surgeons before deciding on Mr. Gonschior but he had come recommended to me from someone I know.

Mr. Gonschior did everything I had wished to change about my nose and explained what wasn't possible as well. I had initially wanted a similar nose like Megan Fox, the actress, but Mr Gonschior explained in detail why this nose would not work on my face.

At first I was gutted but now I am very grateful I listened to his advise as in hindsight I know what he said was true and he made me a nose that fits my face perfectly. Nice and straight with a 'slimish' tip and not at all pinched. I saw him for my 6 week check up, 6 months and yearly since 2009.

I made a point to go to my check ups even though I don't neccesarily need too any more ahaha but I enjoy seeing him and thanking him, he changed my life. I also had filler and botox with him and had a really nice, natural result. 2 of my friends had rhinoplasty with Mr G as well after seeing my result. He is a rhinoplasty master!!! I hope this may help someone in their cosmetic surgery journey x"

F.L. London

“I have been a patient of Dr. Stefan Gonschior since 2003. I have had Botox, Dermal Filler, Micro Sclerotherapy and Dental Implants under his care, which has always been exemplary.

He has taken the time to explain my intended procedures in full, and has been an amazing support to me in my recovery period. I am very pleased that he is my surgeon and I can highly recommend his work.“

S.L Surrey, UK

"I just wanted to say a big thank you to you Mr Gonschior for being so honest and patient with me as this is the 2nd time I have seen you and you have told me to hold off my face-lift/neck-lift, although I'm really eager in having it done ASAP!

You were totally honest that it would be a waste of my money to have it done now as I wouldn't see much of a difference, so next January I will be back to see you again! Then if the time is right that you think you can improve me, then I will have it done. You are definitely going to be the surgeon that does my cosmetic surgery, it's just a matter of time and gravity haha!

I actually feel better for knowing the man that I want to do the surgery for me and highly recommend you. A big, big thank you once again for your time and honesty."

D.D. London

"I am so, so, so happy with my results. When I first met Mr Gonschior I was so excited. I had waited a long time to have the procedure so when he assured me that he would be able to give me a result I would be happy about I was over the moon. The whole experience from beginning to end was very smooth and I am so grateful for that, I was a little nervous just before surgery but I felt so calm when I saw him. I never had any expectations of what it was going to look like after, I just wanted it to be smaller. So as you can tell I am delighted with my results!"

Anonymous. London

"When I looked in the mirror at my nose I was extremely happy with the results. My broken nose was finally fixed! Although I still had a lot of swelling from the surgery, I could really see the difference. I do have to wait a few more weeks to have an idea of the full results as the swelling takes a bit more to reduce, but all in all I am very happy with the results! Eeeeeek!"

N.M. London

"I had my Open Rhinoplasty procedure with you 3 years ago. Since then I moved overseas and have been travelling quite a bit....and still get compliments on my nose in particular. Even strangers (in bars, casual settings etc.) have actually complimented me on it. Sometimes it's embarrassing because you don't want extra attention but on the other hand you're happy something is that attractive and well done. But I wanted to pass that back to you - to say I'm still so grateful of your skill and that I found you as my surgeon, and to let you know your work gets compliments internationally! Thought it would be nice to know."

Anonymous. London

"I felt confident that Mr Gonschior would improve the appearance of my nose, he exceeded my expectations. I am delighted with my new look, I was slightly concerned that family and friends wouldn't recognise me however I still look like me, just an improved version. Mr Gonschior has a unique blend of knowledge, skill and a creative flair that sets him apart from many cosmetic surgeons. Anyone wishing to choose Mr Gonschior as their Surgeon should feel confident that they are in very safe hands. My only regret is that I didn't do it years ago!"

Z.S. London

"My consultation with Mr Gonschior went very well. He really knows what he's doing and explains everything in detail so that you know exactly what you're getting into. As a control freak I felt he was the best surgeon for me as I felt he really understood what I was saying and I knew he would get it right.
The 2 weeks I had to have the cast on seemed like forever. But when the day finally came to have the cast off I was in love as soon as I saw it. It looks so natural and suits my face so well; this is the nose I should have been born with. I can't thank everyone and Mr Gonschior enough. It was such a great experience and I am so so so happy I did it!"

E.F. Bath

"I love my eyes and my new look - Mr G transformed me perfectly and sensitively. Being a contact lens wearer made the early days of recovery tricky but not impossible. Thank you to everyone involved. Great team and great result!"

S.L. London

"I found the whole experience of having a nose job really quite enjoyable! I know that sounds weird but I find cosmetic enhancements and surgical procedures interesting, so to go through one first hand was really interesting and Mr Gonschior and the fantastic team made me feel so relaxed and confident in their hands that it was all very calm and organised!" "Mr Gonschior is very thorough and knowledgeable and gives you the advice you need to make your decision without pressure or worry! I'm so happy with the outcome, It's only 6 months post op so it's still settling and changing but I'm certain that this was the best money I've ever spent!"

T.S. Kent

"Mr Gonschior, you totally deserve recognition for your work, my results are proof, you gave me exactly what I wanted I am so happy, the nose is right in the middle of the face, I have hated my nose all my life, you have given me the nose that fits my face perfectly, honestly I am so happy Thank you from my heart."

T.F. London

"I cannot thank Mr Gonschior and his team enough for their amazing service and care before, during and after my closed Rhinoplasty procedure. Choosing a surgeon to perform such a procedure is difficult, finding out who's best, who would achieve the best results and most importantly who makes you feel comfortable. As a person who looks into everything they do extremely deeply I researched into different surgeons and arranged to see Mr Gonschior for an initial consultation, I immediately felt comfortable and reassured that he was the best man for the job and has no need to even meet with any other surgeons. He was very honest with what I needed and explained everything I needed to know in depth. The surgery itself went swimmingly Mr Gonschior and the staff were kind & caring and made what should have been a nerve-racking day quite relaxing. One year on my new nose is perfect, I am extremely happy I chose the surgeon and would recommend him to anyone considering Rhinoplasty."

N.L. London

"I would just like to say that I am absolutely delighted with my new nose! Thank you so much for giving me the most amazing Christmas present in the world."

Anonymous. London

Further information

This web site has been prepared to give a basic understanding of the procedure before a consultation takes place, and to cover many of the questions frequently asked about this type of cosmetic surgery. Final decisions should not be made until an individual assessment has taken place with the surgeon.

There is no obligation on the part of the patient to undergo surgery by attending for consultation.

If you have any further questions or would like to arrange a consultation please fill in the online form or call us on 07590 666 302. All enquiries are always treated confidentially.

All enquiries are always treated most confidentially.

SurgeryOne & Dr Stefan Gonschior make no warranties that the information contained herein is in every respect accurate or complete, and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such. Users of this information are encouraged to confirm the information contained herein with other sources. The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by physicians or other healthcare professionals.

SurgeryOne & Dr Stefan Gonschior make no representations or warranties with respect to any treatment, action, or application of medication or preparation by any person following the information offered or provided within or through SurgeryOne or her staff. The opinions and methods of diagnosis & treatment change frequently as new information is available, hence these pages cannot might not represent our clinicians most current methods or thoughts. SurgeryOne, and any and all employees of the above will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising therefrom.

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