Nose Reshaping (Rhinoplasty)

nose reshaping

People of all ages are often dissatisfied with what they see in the mirror because of their noses. Perhaps because our noses are central features of our faces, it’s easy to become self-conscious about their shape, size, and curves. Some people view their noses as too wide or too narrow, others don’t look certain bumps on the bridge of their nose, and still others are unhappy with the size of their nostrils. For all these people, nose reshaping surgery is a viable option that could help them become more satisfied with their appearance and to increase their self-confidence. Plus, nose reshaping can be used to correct breathing problems and other long-term defects. Clearly, there are plenty of reasons why nose reshaping has become one of the most popular plastic surgeries.

Is nose reshaping right for you?

Nose reshaping has become a common and frequently requested procedure for a number of reasons. One of the most obvious reasons is the high number of individuals who are unhappy with their noses. Unlike facelifts and eyelid surgeries which are predominantly for men and women over thirty, even teenagers are requesting nose reshaping to improve the look of their face and to boost their self-confidence. Regardless of your age, then, nose reshaping is worth considering if you’ve been unhappy with your nose for a significant time or if an injury has changed the look of your nose.

You might also consider nose reshaping if you’ve been having difficulty breathing properly or if you have birth defects affecting the look of your nose. Nose reshaping can be remarkably beneficial for both of these problems.

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What is nose reshaping?

Nose reshaping, or Rhinoplasty, is a surgical procedure in which a surgeon makes physical changes to your nose. Often these changes involve removing sections of skin or parts of the septum. Because there is no single approach to nose reshaping, you and your surgeon will need to discuss the results you want and how best to achieve them through the surgery.

Rhinoplasty today is usually done as an outpatient procedure, although if you have health problems or if you require complex work done you may be hospitalized for a short time. Your surgeon will either use a local or a general anesthetic, and this decision is one that you should make together. Local anesthesia will carry fewer risks, but you will be awake during the procedure even though the area will be numb. With general anesthetic, you’ll be asleep for operation, but it will take longer for you to go home, the costs will be higher, and more risks may be involved.

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Are you a good candidate?

As with any plastic surgery, good candidates have realistic expectations for the procedure. Nose reshaping will not give you a perfect face, but it may be able to correct problems with your nose that have kept you from being happy with your appearance.

Good candidates also realize that there are limits to what even the best plastic surgeon can do. As a result, he or she may not be able to give you the exact look you are wanting, either because of your age, the shape of your face, the shape of your nose, etc.

Of course, health is another factor in determining who is a good candidate for nose reshaping. Individuals who are free of serious health problems and who do not smoke are the best candidates because they have a much lower risk of complications and should heal more effectively. Individuals who have had prior nose surgeries or injuries and people who suffer from allergies should inform their surgeons of these facts because they may affect the procedure.

While both younger and older people have had their noses reshaped, many plastic surgeons will only operate on patients who are over a certain age, such as 18, while other surgeons simply wait until the young person has gone through puberty.

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How is the procedure performed?

The specifics of nose reshaping procedures vary depending on your needs. You’ll need to discuss those with your surgeon in advance. First, the exterior of the nose has to be separated from its framework so the physician can reach the areas which need to be changed.

Most surgeons will make their incisions within your nose or along the small walk separating your nostrils. From here, he or she can reach the areas that need work. For example, if you have a bump along the bride of your nose, the unwanted shape will be removed from the bone with a small chisel and the bones will be pushed together so there is no longer a rise along your nose.

If you’re unhappy with the shape of your nose, the surgeon will work on cutting parts of the septum away so that your nose’s shape and angle will be changed. The same can be done to the cartilage at the end of your nose to make it more pointed or rounded, depending on the look you want.

Surgeons can also narrow your nostrils by removing parts of the skin around the bottom of your nose. With this skin gone, your nostrils will be less wide. Once the actual procedures are done, your surgeon will place a splint in your nose so it keeps its shape during the healing process.

The entire procedure usually takes one to two hours depending on the extent of what you’re having done.

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How long will it take before I feel normal again?

At first, you probably won’t feel great, but this is normal; during the first couple of days after the procedure, your nose will sore and you could even have a headache. If you look in the mirror, you’ll probably be shocked by what you see because of the swelling and bruising that is common with the procedure. You may also have some bleeding and your nose will feel stuffy for up to a week.

After that first week things will start to improve. The splint, stitches, and other padding the surgeon may have used will be removed and you may be able to return to work if your job is not strenuous. However, even though you’ll start feeling better and will be able to get back into your normal routine, you’ll still have plenty of guidelines to follow, including no blood pressure increasing activities (i. e. sex, heavy lifting, bending over) for up to three weeks, no rubbing your nose for eight weeks, and no wearing glasses or putting weight on your nose for up to 2 months. You may also continue to have some swelling for another few months as your nose continues to slowly heal.

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Are there any risks?

Nose reshaping is quite common and is generally safe, there are a few risks. Of course, if you’re healthy and a non-smoker, then you have a reduced risk of complications.

Nosebleeds and infections are two of the most worrisome complications, but you can reduce the risks simply by paying attention to and following your surgeon’s guidelines. Occasionally, patients may have to go back in for a second nose reshaping. Even the best physician cannot always predict how the changes are going to look, so he or she may need to make minor corrections before you obtain satisfactory results.

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Will I be happy with my results?

Initially, you probably won’t be happy. Because the healing process is slow and the puffiness can persist for many months, you probably won’t be able to really appreciate your new look for almost a year. Don’t be surprised if you feel disappointed and depressed, especially for those first few weeks after your surgery. However, those feelings will eventually pass and when you see your improved nose you’ll probably be happy with the results, especially if your expectations were realistic and you discussed your wants clearly with your doctor ahead of time.

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Further information

This web site has been prepared to give a basic understanding of the procedure before a consultation takes place, and to cover many of the questions frequently asked about this type of cosmetic surgery. Final decisions should not be made until an individual assessment has taken place with the surgeon.

There is no obligation on the part of the patient to undergo surgery by attending for consultation.

If you have any further questions or would like to arrange a consultation please fill in the online form or call us on 07590 666 302. All enquiries are always treated confidentially.

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