Obagi Protocols

obagi protocols

Over time, our skin is worn down by the elements of life we encounter every day, such as the sun and wind, and in addition, our bodies start to slow down, too. For example, it takes us longer to generate new cells as we get older - that means not only is our healing time increased but we’re no longer able to efficiently correct problems with our skin. As a result, we get wrinkles, dry skin, age spots, and other problems that make us look older than we feel. One way to fight back against these processes is with the Obagi Nu-Derm System.

Is the Obagi Nu-Derm System right for you?

If you’re not happy with the way your face has begun to age before the rest of you, then the Obagi Nu-Derm System may be a good option. Because the system does not require any surgery or recovery time, it may be a good alternative for individuals who are leery about “going under the knife” for cosmetic reasons or who cannot afford to be incapacitated for weeks while they are recovering from a procedure.

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What is the Obagi Nu-Derm System?

The Obagi Nu-Derm System is a collection of prescription-strength products used in a specific regime in order to improve your skin’s appearance from the cellular level up through the surface layers. The system was created by Dr. Zein E. Obagi who has a well-deserved reputation in the dermatology field as a skin expert; he is also a practicing plastic surgeon. In addition to him, more than 3,500 physicians around the world use this system and the other Obagi skin treatments for their patients.

The Obagi Nu-Derm System is not a single procedure performed in an office or medical facility. Instead, it is a series of products that you apply daily, based on your physician’s guidelines. You will not need any type of anesthetic or sedatives during the process. During your treatment, your skin may feel a little sensitive and raw – similar to the feeling of wind burn.

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Are you a good candidate?

Obagi Nu-Derm System is a good choice for many people, but not everyone. Because of the strength of some of the products, women who are pregnant or who are actively trying to get pregnant may want to delay their decision to begin using the product. Otherwise, almost anyone can use the products without risk.

The best candidates are people committed to taking care of their skin for the long haul, including minimizing exposure to the damaging rays of the sun.

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How is the procedure performed?

After your consultation with your physician, he or she will provide you with detailed instructions on how to use the system. Every morning and evening, you will need to clean your face with the Obagi cleaner and apply the specially formulated toner to your entire face using a cotton ball. These steps prepare your face for the rest of the treatment steps.

Following these two steps, you’ll need to apply Professional-C serum every morning to the specific trouble spots on your face. You’ll also need to apply Exfoderm in the mornings as well. Plus every morning and evening, you’ll need to apply a product known as Clear on your face in a specific method which your physician should explain. These products work together to start improving your skin.

Every evening, you’ll also need to apply Blender and Tretinoin – these two products work together to stimulate the growth of new skin cells in the deepest layers of your skin. Also, you’ll want to use an approved sun protection product every morning to prevent additional sun damage to your face.

The Obagi Nu-Derm System, when used correctly, usually begins to make a positive difference in your appearance within four to six weeks.

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How long will it take before I feel normal again?

Unlike cosmetic procedures, which require a considerable period of healing after completion, the Obagi Nu-Derm System does not. You will be able to continue your normal routine, including work and your favorite activities, without any type of delay. In fact, the only changes you may need to make are setting aside the necessary time twice a day to apply the products correctly and being committed to protecting your skin from further sun damage. You’ll also need to continue using the products indefinitely; otherwise, your skin will slowly return to its original condition.

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Are there any risks?

Obagi Nu-Derm System is actually quite safe and poses fewer risks than many other cosmetic procedures. The two biggest risks come from two key ingredients in the system: Hydroquinone and tretinoin. In high doses, Hydroquinone can lead to Ochronosis which is a skin condition in which your skin becomes covered in black specks. The doses required, however, are considerably higher than what is found in these products.

With Tretinoin, however, there is some possibility of complications. Some evidence suggests using this ingredient can cause irritation and blistering, as well as thinning skin. However, most users do not report any of these problems.

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Will I be happy with my results?

Most Obagi Nu-Derm System users are quite pleased with the results. Although it does require a commitment of four to six weeks before those improvements become apparent, people generally are happy with what they see, especially considering they did not have to endure weeks of recovery or surgery to achieve their goal of smoother, brighter skin.

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Further information

This web site has been prepared to give a basic understanding of the procedure before a consultation takes place, and to cover many of the questions frequently asked about this type of cosmetic surgery. Final decisions should not be made until an individual assessment has taken place with the surgeon.

There is no obligation on the part of the patient to undergo surgery by attending for consultation.

If you have any further questions or would like to arrange a consultation please fill in the online form or call us on 07590 666 302. All enquiries are always treated confidentially.

All enquiries are always treated most confidentially.

"I am so, so, so happy with my results. When I first met Mr Gonschior I was so excited. I had waited a long time to have the procedure so when he assured me that he would be able to give me a result I would be happy about I was over the moon."

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