Cheek (Malar) Implants (Malar augmentation)

cheek implants

Most of us have had chubby cheeks as a child. But over time, some people start to suffer from sunken cheeks that make you look worn out. Fortunately, you can restore a healthy, balanced facial appearance through cheek implant surgery.

What are malar cheek implants?

Cheek implant procedures are done by placing fillers or an implant on the cheek bone, or in a pocket of the patient’s cheek to give it a more prominent, healthy look. Some patients want implants to raise sunken cheeks. Cheek implant procedures may be performed using donated bone or tissue taken from the patient’s own body, with the rest being man-made materials. These materials are made from many types of synthetic materials and are adaptable to each individual’s needs. Some implants are made from a softer material, but several are rigid. The procedures for cheek surgery using implants have been around for over 50 years. In addition, the technology that is used during the surgery or when making the implants has achieved a phenomenal leap in the improvement of the results.

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Who are ideal candidates for cheek implants?

Anyone is a potential patient for cheek implant surgery. Discuss your medical history, and any existing issues you may have, with your physician. Your physician will determine if you are an ideal candidate and if cheek implants are right for you. You should be in good health and understand the limitations of the procedure. Your physician will verify if you have any health conditions that may increase the possibility of complications before the date of your surgery. When discussing your procedure you should be in agreement with the proposed results, but with the understanding that sometimes the anticipated results may not be exactly as described. Anyone with a known allergy to any of the supplies to be used should work with their surgeon determining if there are any viable options in using different materials or the prospect of having another procedure done instead.

Candidates for cheek implant surgery are across all age ranges - according to 2005 statistics for plastic surgeons, over fifty percent of the people having cheek surgery fell into the age group ranging between their twenties to mid-30s, and one-third fell in the thirty to fifty age range.

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How will my surgeon perform my cheek surgery?

Cheek surgery usually takes about an hour, but may take a bit longer, depending on the extent of the procedure that is performed. The procedure is usually done under general anesthetic as an outpatient surgery, but some patients may need overnight observation. The implants are placed through incisions inside the mouth where the upper teeth meet the gums, and then the skin is moved upward to reach the cheek bone. The filler or implants are then placed into position. Some implants may need to be sutured or screwed into place. Sometimes incisions are made at the hairline or the lower eyelid, and these are removed within ten days.

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Is the recovery process for cheek surgery long?

Most patients return to work within a week or two, with full recovery within a few months. Strenuous activities need to be avoided for a few weeks. Inner mouth sutures will dissolve within a week, and outer stitches will need to be removed at a follow up visit around a week or ten days.

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Are there any risks and complications for this procedure?

Any qualified physician will tell you that there are always risks and complications with any surgical procedure. However, these may be avoided when important medical information is taken into consideration. Provide your entire medical history as clearly as possible so that your physician may see what complications you have a higher risk of encountering. The most common concerns with cheek implants are pain, swelling, bleeding and infection. These are all very common and can be successfully treated with medications or antibiotics. Some temporary loss of sensation in the face may also occur. More serious concerns are the risk of extreme infection, or the allergic reaction to the implant materials. In rare cases, some patients may have a reaction while under anesthesia. Some patients may experience a shifting of their implant and may require another procedure to adjust it, or remove it if necessary.

As with any surgery, it is very important that you follow your surgeon’s instructions to avoid post-operative complications.

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My cheek surgery is over – when will i see results?

Many patients who had very slim or sunken cheeks will see substantial, immediate results from the implant and also the resultant swelling. But until the swelling has subsided, clear results may be hard to obtain. Most patients are very pleased when the recovery period is over and puffiness and bruising are completely gone. The number of cheek surgeries being performed is on the rise and becoming more popular. Many patients enjoy their enhanced cheek structure and have a higher sense of self-esteem. Facial symmetry is a sought after characteristic of physical perfection and many patients enjoy having new cheeks that improve the natural contour of their faces.

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Further information

This web site has been prepared to give a basic understanding of the procedure before a consultation takes place, and to cover many of the questions frequently asked about this type of cosmetic surgery. Final decisions should not be made until an individual assessment has taken place with the surgeon.

There is no obligation on the part of the patient to undergo surgery by attending for consultation.

If you have any further questions or would like to arrange a consultation please fill in the online form or call us on 07590 666 302. All enquiries are always treated confidentially.

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