Chin Augmentation (Mentoplasty or Genioplasty)

chin augmentation

If your chin seems to sink into your neck or your profile is a “hawk” profile, with an your nose overpowering your small chin, then having a chin augmentation procedure can restore the symmetry of your face and give your nose and chin a better, more proportionate alignment – revealing a more symmetrical, pleasing profile.

What is chin surgery?

Chin surgery is also called by the surgical names Mentoplasty and Genioplasty. This procedure is the augmentation of the chin by surgical means, such as implants or moving the tip of the chin bone forward to give a stronger, more protruding appearance. Chin reduction is the removal of some of the bone to lessen the chin’s prominent appearance.

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Who are ideal candidates for chin augmentation?

Ideal candidates for chin augmentation should be healthy and should discuss any pre-existing conditions with their physician to identify any advanced risks due to their medical history. Dental conditions may also affect your chin augmentation and should be mentioned to your physician as well. Men and women who have a “weak” or underdeveloped chin or have a larger nose may want chin augmentation to balance out their facial symmetry. Some patients may need to discuss any medications that they are currently taking, as some blood thinners or steroids could cause complications with the procedure.

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How will my surgeon perform chin augmentation?

With this procedure, your surgeon will make an incision to place the implant over the chin bone, where it rests under the skin. There are many types of implant materials, and they come in a number of shapes and sizes. Your physician will go over the choices with you before your surgery, to make sure that you pick the one that is right for you.

Once you have determined the best implant to use, your surgeon will have the selected piece prepared for your surgery. During the surgery the implant is custom fitted into its position, so that it is adjusted to fit only your face. Your surgeon will make the incision either under your chin, in the natural crease of the skin, or inside your mouth. If the incision is inside your mouth, it will be in the position where your lower lip attaches to your gums. The surgeon will then use instruments to open a space to insert the implant, resulting in no visible scarring.

If the incision is outside and under the chin, the implant is inserted in much the same way. Your surgeon will adjust it for the best fit and then sew up the incision, unless sutures or screws are needed to keep the implant in the correct position. Incisions are sutured closed with stitches that dissolve when placed inside the mouth or those that need to be removed if positioned under the chin, and those on the outside will need to be removed in a follow up visit in about a week. This procedure usually takes one to several hours and is performed as an outpatient surgery – depending on the extent of the surgery, some patients may need a longer stay to have their recovery monitored.

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What should I expect after having this procedure?

After your surgery, you will have some limitations on your physical activities. Your normal routine can usually be re-established within a couple of weeks, with most patients usually returning to work within a week. Any hard physical exertion should be avoided, like heavy lifting or sports that may result in contact with the healing skin. Pain and swelling are common, as is bruising of the face and neck, but medications and items such as cold packs will help alleviate these symptoms. If you have stitches inside your mouth, they usually dissolve on their own within a week, but outer stitches will need to be removed on your follow up visit around ten days later. You may have to follow a food diet restriction, and need to cleanse your mouth as instructed by your surgeon. Discuss your normal routine with your physician before surgery and go over any concerns you may have as to your limitations.

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Risks and complications – what to expect

All medical procedures have the risk of possible complications. Discussing your medical history and any pre-existing health concerns with your physician will minimize the risks. Normally, chin augmentation will have occurrences of swelling, bleeding or bruising, and there may be a possibility of extreme cases of these symptoms also. Other concerns will be the possibility of infections or blood clots and the risk of allergic reactions during the use of anesthesia. Possible numbness or the permanent loss of feeling may occur. Some patients may encounter a shifting of the implant, and may need to have it adjusted or removed during another surgery. Discuss any concerns that you may have with your physician before surgery as you determine the risks that have more of a probability of affecting your treatment.

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Will I be able to see results right away after my chin augmentation?

Chin augmentation will have noticeable results right away between the implants giving you a larger chin and the swelling. Most patients are pleasantly surprised, even with the swelling disguising the outcome. Having a more balanced facial symmetry helps give most patients a renewed sense of self-confidence.

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Further information

This web site has been prepared to give a basic understanding of the procedure before a consultation takes place, and to cover many of the questions frequently asked about this type of cosmetic surgery. Final decisions should not be made until an individual assessment has taken place with the surgeon.

There is no obligation on the part of the patient to undergo surgery by attending for consultation.

If you have any further questions or would like to arrange a consultation please fill in the online form or call us on 07590 666 302. All enquiries are always treated confidentially.

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